Northwind Maiden


Meet Northwind Maiden, an enchanting peony with a captivating history. This variety, identified as Seedling #H-1, was received on December 15, 2020. It is believed to share similarities with the esteemed ‘Manitowoc Maiden.’ With an early to midseason bloom, Northwind Maiden features lovely pink double flowers, approximately 6 inches (15 cm) in size. The petals form rounded guard layers, gradually folding, notching, and frilling. As the flowers age, they exhibit an irregular fading, creating visual interest. The center holds pollen-bearing stamens with yellow filaments and smooth pale green carpels adorned with deep red stigmas. Northwind Maiden is fertile and showcases a creamy-green staminodal disc. It grows upright to a height of 34 inches (86 cm), displaying blue-green foliage with broad-pointed leaflets. This peony pays tribute to its presumed connection to ‘Manitowoc Maiden’ and the winds of Lake Michigan.

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SKU: peo_855_northwind_maiden Categories: , ,