Chief Black Hawk showcases rich, deep velvety-red semi-double flowers, each measuring 5 inches. With an average of 5 cream-colored, hairy carpels and stigmas, this variety’s one bloom per stem is a sight to behold. Fragrant and symmetrical, it grows to a height of 30″ with a mounding growth habit. It is aptly named after Chief Black Hawk (1767-1838), embodying strength and beauty.
Chief Black Hawk
€ 54,50
Chief Black Hawk showcases rich, deep velvety-red semi-double flowers, each measuring 5 inches. With an average of 5 cream-colored, hairy carpels and stigmas, this variety’s one bloom per stem is a sight to behold. Fragrant and symmetrical, it grows to a height of 30″ with a mounding growth habit. It is aptly named after Chief Black Hawk (1767-1838), embodying strength and beauty.
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